Elven Words
Below are eighteen randomly created Elvish words to inspire you. English words are provided as insight into their meanings. References to "stars" are generally closely tied to the Elves, who are "people of the stars" having been the first to gaze upon them. Please note that these "words" make only a small attempt to be true to Tolkien's Quenya or Sindarin. What is used here I garnered from The Lord of The Rings trilogy, the Silmarillion, and The Hobbit. I have some pointers if you are interested in learning more.

  1. Gabilgrod ("fortress" and "delving, underground-dwelling, cave")
  2. Alataen (of or relating to "radiance")
  3. Formenenquie ("north" and "elvish-week, six-man-days")
  4. Ëarborn ("sea" and "branch, tree-bark, tree")
  5. Pharazorn ("gold" and "tree")
  6. Arfaug ("beside, outside" and "gape, choke")
  7. Fauglon (of or relating to "gape, choke")
  8. Fimbar ("slender" and "home")
  9. Istdili ("wizard, powerful-magic" and "friends")
  10. Baranestel ("brown" and "hope")
  11. Fírimen ("short-of-life, mortal" and "above")
  12. Eardrim ("sea" and "people")
  13. Ereindar ("kings" and "folk, people")
  14. Eärist ("sea" and "cleaver")
  15. Gwaithlon (of or relating to "people")
  16. Osbros ("fortress-of" and "foam, rain")
  17. Adanari ("Man" and "men")
  18. Enedennyn ("middle" and "gates")

That begin with or are described as .

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